+255 658 417 012   Arusha, Tanzania



In Arusha we partner with TRIAS Tanzania and TCCIA Arusha (Chamber of Commerce). This entrepreneurship program is executed by YEP Tanzania and sponsored by TRIAS Belgium and Sengerema Foundation from the Netherlands (50/50).

We have successfully conducted a 5 year program (2017 – 2021) and entered into an agreement for another 5 year (2022- 2026).  

Results of the 2017 – 2021 program:

  • 347 Recruited youth
  • 169 Youth trained
  • 35 Different classes, including specialized classes
  • 147 Shop visits conducted
  • 117 Business plan meetings held
  • 138 Graduates
  • 55 – 60 Regular coaching meetings
  • 35 loans disbursed, total volume of 61,829,332 mio Tsh

Per calendar year, one full program cycle (recruitment, training, specialized classes, shop visits, business plan meetings, loan approval meetings) is executed.

Business Trainings

In the Arusha program our focus is on assisting young entrepreneurs on improving and expanding their existing businesses. Our target group are youth entrepreneurs (all kinds of businesses) who are already conducting a business but are not yet formalized and have the potential to grow. We train them on several (business) topics such as record keeping, financial management, marketing, empowerment and contract & negotiation. These classes are done online and physically, in groups of 20 – 25 students.

Business visits and business plan

After a training period of 4 months (classes are weekly or every two week, half day) we visit every entrepreneur at their business to see if and how they have implemented the knowledge, what their challenges are and what their goals for the future are. Following these business visits, we conduct one on one business plan meetings which each of them, to further discuss their challenges and how the YEP program can help them to move to the next level. This can be done by more business coaching or monitoring, by specialized knowledge, by connecting them to the market, stakeholders or peers, or by providing a loan.

Access to Finance

After finalizing the training cycle, together with the entrepreneur we determine if a loan is needed and helpful. Loans are provided by the TCCIA SACCOS, which has a designated credit fund only for YEP beneficiaries.

Selection of the entrepreneurs is done in cooperation with TCCIA Arusha. All participating entrepreneurs are offered to become member of TCCIA with discount.

In Sakina area we have a training centre and small office which we share with one of our YEP beneficiaries.