Update Q2 Arusha : 24th of April, 2019
Kick of class 3 in Arusha
Thanks to TRIAS’ hospitality, we could host this event in their beautiful garden. Representatives of TRIAS, TCCIA and YEP were there. Also, the regional trade officer, mr Nusu, was present to join this event and gave a positive speech at the end of the event.
Four of our former students from class 1 and 2 were invited to give their testimonies on YEP. This was a great success and inspired the new students.

Bart Casier, regional director TRIAS East Africa

Jeroen Vegt, country program manager YEP Tanzania

Sia Charles, executive secretary of TCCIA Arusha

Neema Mollel (shoes)

Prisca Mwakalasi (cakes & bites)

Hamida Athuman (sunflower oil)

Simon Pascal Magere – handing over one of his paintings to mr Nusu
Financial Management classes
The following classes were part of the Financial Management block:
- Basic record keeping
- ‘10 mistakes’
- Selling Price
- Fixed and variable costs
- Knowing margin to select products
- Financial planning
- Wallets
For a more in dept explanation on these different classes please find it in the Q2 report Arusha.

Empowerment classes
The following empowerment classes were included in this block:
- Tree of life
- Behavior change
- Problem solving
For a more in dept explanation on these different classes please find it in the Q2 report Arusha.
TRA class
At the intake classes we noticed already that a lot of challenges/ questions were TRA related. Therefor YEP and TCCIA decided to invite the regional trade officer, mr. Nusu, to give a class on TRA issues.
The following topics were discussed:
- Entrepreneurship ID
- Requirements for paying tax
This session was very useful for all of the students. Above that, the trade officer was happy that YEP incorporated this topic in their lessons, because in this way the TRA can reach and educate a large number of entrepreneurs. We will continue the good cooperation with TRA.
Monitor and coaching visits
During the months April / May / June, apart from the classes, the YEP team in Arusha also performed coaching visits to the students of class 1 and 2. We are proud to see that almost all of them managed to improved their business, and keep in improving. Not only in sales, but also by hiring assistants or expanding business.

Mr Nusu during the TRA class

We are also proud to introduce our new logo