The YEP Staff are the core of YEP Tanzania, the YEP trainers are successful entrepreneurs who have completed the YEP program themselves, and therefore can act as role model for new entrepreneurs.
In close cooperation with Sengerema Foundation and their project partners, YEP trainers provide a package of training coaching and mentoring. After a full year of training the YEP trainers decide during loan approval interviews if the aspirant entrepreneur will receive a loan. These loans are supplied by Sengerema Foundation and by project partners.
YEP Tanzania uses Sengerema Foundation’s experience and proven success with developing and implementing youth entrepreneurship projects in Tanzania since 2007.

Jeroen Vegt
Country Manager

Annemieke Raterink
regional program manager Arusha

David Wilson Zabron
training coordinator and trainer Arusha

Andrew Davis Karumna
program manager Misungwi and trainer

Peter Mhagama
finance manager

Nicole Oldeweghuis
Misungwi Program Coordinator and Consultant

David Nzella
former YEP student and part time YEP trainer

Glory Makuru
Rombo coordinator
In order to improve the quality of our trainings, we invite YEP beneficiaries who are specialized to teach certain topics.

Rehema Akwilombe
Social Media Expert

Ditrick Valerian
Record Keeping Expert

Shaban Mruma
Greenhouse and Irrigation solutions

Emmanuel Petro
Greenhouse Management